Protecting your vehicle and it's passengers is easy with smart car tracking.

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FLEET is a gps car tracking service designed to make tracking your car as simple as possible. Simply plug in your FLEET tracker and download the app, from there you can keep tabs on location of your car, and get alerted to any potential emergencies, risks, or faults.


Reclaim your car, or stop theft before it happens with highly accurate and reliable geo-location tracking.


Receive instant automated alerts designed to keep you in the loop, whether it's for staying safe or everyday convenience.

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Engine Start/Movement Alert

Receive an alert as soon as your engine starts, or begins moving.

Interference Alert

Receive an instant alert when someone attempts to damage or break in to your car

Geo-fence Alert

Create a virtual fence around your home or any location, and receive an instant alert if your vehicle enters or leaves that location.

Top Speed Alert

The top speed alert notifies you when your vehicle goes above a top speed that you define. Perfect for keeping an eye on new drivers in the family!

See All Your Vehicles on One Device

Whether it's in-app or online, access your FLEET tracked vehicles from any device.


How accurate is your tracking?

Our GPS tracking system is designed to provide high levels of accuracy in location data. In optimal conditions, the tracking accuracy can be within a few metres. However, it's important to understand that the accuracy can be influenced by several factors:

Satellite Coverage: The number and positioning of satellites in the area can impact tracking accuracy. In areas with limited satellite visibility, such as dense urban environments or deep valleys, the accuracy may temporarily decrease.

Atmospheric Conditions: Weather conditions like heavy cloud cover or solar flares can potentially affect the GPS signals and lead to slight variations in accuracy.

Obstructions: Buildings, trees, and other obstructions can block or reflect GPS signals, resulting in reduced tracking accuracy, especially in urban or densely wooded areas.

To enhance accuracy, we recommend installing the GPS tracking devices in locations that offer the best possible satellite reception and regularly maintaining the devices to ensure optimal performance.

Despite these potential limitations, our GPS tracking system utilises advanced technology and algorithms to minimise errors and provide reliable location data. Additionally, we regularly update our systems and work to improve accuracy wherever possible. We also employ Location-Based Service (LBS) technology to improve the accuracy for our customer.

Why should I bother tracking my vehicle with FLEET

Tracking your personal vehicle(s) with FLEET offers numerous benefits.

  • Stop car theft before it happens, with instant interference alerts
  • Recover a car that's lost or stolen
  • Be able to quickly respond to emergencies (for example if a family member were to get into an accident on the road)
  • Keep tabs on new drivers with tracking and top speed alerts
  • Stay informed on your vehicles whereabouts and usage with tracking, movement alerts, and geo-fences

Who has access to my location and location data?

Your tracking data is accessible only to authorised personnel within our company when it is entirely necessary, to provide customer support or maintain our services.

We will not share your data with third parties without your explicit prior consent.

What happens to my location data?

We take data security and privacy very seriously. We employ multiple measures to ensure the highest level of security for your data. All tracking data collected by our GPS tracking devices is securely stored on our servers. We utilise robust encryption protocols to protect your data from unauthorised access, including:

  • Encryption
  • Firewalls
  • Access controls
  • Keeping all data stored in Australia

to safeguard your data from unauthorised access. Our systems undergo regular security audits and updates to ensure they remain protected against evolving threats.

Couldn't a thief just remove the tracker?

While we want setup to be as easy as possible, we're also aware that if a thief can throw your tracker out the window, then it's not going to be much help... so we have two solutions.

Steel Cable Ties:

Our first solution is that all of our trackers come with both an extension cable, and two steel cable ties. This allows you to setup the tracker so that it can be cable tied underneath the steering wheel and out of sight. If someone does attempt to steal your vehicle, removing the tracker takes a considerable amount of time and effort. And equally as important, if the thief simply unplugs the tracker from the port, it has up to 8 hours of battery life to continue tracking.

Interference Alert

The automatic interference alert that is pre-setup for all FLEET accounts, sends you an immediate alert if your tracker has been disconnected from your vehicle, giving you a chance to take immediate action.